SKINcure app help the users to prevent skin cancer and to detect suspicious lesions:
App Features:
Check Your Current Location UV Index and Protect Your Skin From Sunburn:
The UV Index is calculated to advise you on the strength of the sun’s UV rays in your current location. The higher the number, the stronger the rays. Check your UV index live and elect to receive live UV notification alert, and take the proper precautions to protect yourself when you’re outdoors.
Calculate Your Safe Sun Exposure Time and Receive Real-Time Notification Alert To Avoid Sunburn and Prevent Skin Cancer:
Calculate Your Safe Sun Exposure Time and Receive Real-Time Notification Alert To Avoid Sunburn and Prevent Skin Cancer. Accurate control of sun exposure times is necessary to decrease the risk of overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. Repeated overexposure is believed to increase the risks of developing skin cancer.
Sunburn may not slow you down too much, but a lifetime of overexposure to UV radiation can damage your skin and increase your risk for skin cancer.
Capture Your Skin Lesion and Track Your Lesion Progress over time
Allow you to create a profile and archive your lesion dermoscopy images; keep track of changes over time and save the position of the mole on 3D body map.
Capture and Analyze Suspicious Mole within Seconds Using Your Own Smart-Phone:
Capture your skin lesion using your smart-phone camera attached to a dermatoscope and send the image online to the remote image processing server to analyze the dermoscopy image and classify the lesion into benign, atypical or melanoma.
"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."